Class CompositeAuthenticationToken

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Principal,

    public class CompositeAuthenticationToken
    extends SIPAuthenticationToken<CompositeAuthenticationToken>
    Default Token set in the security context when using the sip authentication filter. It contains tokens of all responsible sip authentication providers, in case this needs to be inspected in a later part of the filter chain or e.g. a rest controller.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeAuthenticationToken

        public CompositeAuthenticationToken​(List<SIPAuthenticationToken<?>> authTokens)
        Creates a composite authentication token, consisting of other sip auth tokens, and an aggregated isAuthenticated setting
        authTokens - the auth tokens to combine
    • Method Detail

      • getPrincipal

        public Object getPrincipal()
      • withAuthenticated

        public CompositeAuthenticationToken withAuthenticated​(boolean authenticated)
        For composite auth tokens this method does nothing, its isAuthenticated state is always indicated by the contained auth tokens.
        Specified by:
        withAuthenticated in class SIPAuthenticationToken<CompositeAuthenticationToken>
        authenticated - indicates if the authentication object should be authenticated or not
        a copy of the caller authentication object with the specific value for authentication set