"Data type mismatch in Connector \'%s\'. Message Type was \'%s\', but the integration scenario \'%s\' provided Type \'%s\'"
"Data type mismatch in Connector \'%s\'. Message Type was \'%s\', but the integration scenario \'%s\' requires Type \'%s\'"
"Non unique test case titles detected: [\"%s\"]. Please assign a unique title to each test case."
"Both endpointId and connectorId parameters are defined in %s for test: %s (only one is allowed)"
"Parameter endpointId or connectorId is missing in %s for test: %s (one of them should be specified)"
"Test title is missing"
"when-execute section is required for test: %s"
"Body validation successful"
"Body validation unsuccessful"