All Classes and Interfaces

Class in charge of toggling all beans under package..
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on value (true by default).
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on value (true by default).
In charge of scanning all beans under package.
This class is setting up Camel routes from the scenario- and connector-definitions specified in the adapter.
AdapterInfoContributor extends InfoContributor to add adapter information to the info actuator
AdapterRouteDetails encapsulates all relevant monitoring information about a Camel Route.
Adapter route - Additional information
A summary of the Route monitoring information.
Information about different time processing statistics.
Entry point of the HTTP-only Actuator endpoint that exposes management functions from the CamelContext and Camel's JMX MBeans.
Provides a brief summary for the Camel Route.
Apache Camel Processor creation interception
Final result of analyzing the code base for banned imports.
Loads a batch of test cases from a test case file
Orchestrator that tries to automatically attach the first usable of a list of given orchestrators for an integration scenario.
Holds the information of what imports should be banned and from which base package.
Groups multiple BannedImportGroup objects.
Holds the matches that were found within a single source file.
Base class for transformers based on ModelMapper
Interface representing process orchestration dsl steps which may be called within the definition
Marker interface for elements that can be nodes below a provider-definition within the scenario orchestration DSL
DSL class used for construction conditional calls after main condition
DSL class for calling a process consumer request or response handlers
DSL base class for specifying the call to an integration scenario consumer
DSL class for calling a scenario consumer specified by it's class
DSL class for calling an outbound connector specified by its ID
DSL class for calling all remaining scenario consumers
Validator for body of a request in Camel
Config class for handling Camel Context by using its lifecycle methods.
Main configuration class that instantiates and configures EndpointHealthRegistry along with CamelEndpointHealthMonitor.
CamelEndpointHealthMonitor is a central point in evaluating Health information of the Endpoints in the current CamelContext.
Validator for headers of a request in Camel
Utility class to help with Camel's internals
Utility class to help working with specific Camel's processors.
Configure camel security related settings
Batch test validator for Camel
Utility class that validates if the message body is of the proper type.
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
The authentication filter which handles composite authentication, which means that in contrast to default spring-security (if one authentication succeeds, the user is "logged in") all configured sip authentication providers responsible for a specific endpoint need to succeed with the authentication.
Default Token set in the security context when using the sip authentication filter.
Annotation to be used with a class extending CompositeProcessBase.
Base class for a composite process definition.
Interface used for specifying composite processes used within a SIP adapter.
POJO model for exposing CompositeProcess on the actuator endpoint
Context used during the orchestration of a composite process.
Record that holds the response for a single orchestration step
Various handlers use in process orchestration.
Class that holds information to be used by orchestrators of a CompositeProcess This is structural information that gives orchestrator an ability to generate orchestration routes
Interface to match the condition from the orchestration context
Interface to extract the request object for a process consumer call
Interface to consume or handle the response of an individual process consumer call
Class specifying consumer calls that are only executed conditionally
Condition which allows us to control which auth providers and validators should be loaded.
Conditional annotation for enabled/disabling sip securitie's authentication feature
Base class for connector definitions.
Common definition interface for specifying connectors used within a SIP adapter.
Annotation to be used with a class extending ConnectorGroupBase.
Base class for a connector group definition.
Interface defining a connector group.
Class which represents POJO model for exposing ConnectorGroup
Class which represents POJO model for exposing InboundConnector and OutboundConnector
Class that provides the RouteDefinition handles for a connector to define its necessary orchestrations.
Standard implementation for orchestrating connectors.
Mojo implementing connectors-cross-dependencies-check goal, executing on LifecyclePhase.VALIDATE phase.
Enumeration for representing the type of endpoint.
Keeps track of staring exchange and all that were crated from it
Implementation of Apache Camel's DefaultTracer Requires sip.core.tracing.enabled=true to be registered as component
Invoker class for triggering Camel CXF(SOAP) route
API interface for DeclarationsRegistry used within the framework structure.
Actuator endpoints for exposing Connectors, Connector Groups, Integration Scenarios and Composite Processes.
Util transformer class with methods for transforming framework declarative objects to their corresponding POJO forms used for exposing its values.
Helper methods for the declarative structure adapter building.
Default connector group which is automatically created by framework when connector group is not specified by user.
Default result processor used for logging test execution results.
Invoker class for triggering routes with Direct consumer.
Annotation that can be used to disable: ConnectorDefinitions IntegrationScenarioDefinitions, which also disables all consumers and providers attached to the scenario ConnectorGroupDefinitions, which also disables all connectors attached to it CompositeProcessDefinitions
Base element for DSL classes that specify their own type (in an inheritance hierarchy) as well as the parent-type
Exception duplicated uri patterns (health indicator matchers) used in HealthMonitorSetup
Element used to terminate a DSL declaration
Collects all SIP endpoint that should be exposed in actuator and adds them to "management.endpoints.web.exposure.include"
The purpose of the EndpointHealthConfigurer is to enable application specific customization of the EndpointHealthRegistry.
EndpointHealthIndicator wraps health-checking function into a Spring Boot's HealthIndicator interface.
EndpointHealthRegistry is responsible for creating HealthIndicators for Camel Endpoints in the application.
Class which represents POJO model for exposing Camel endpoint with its route id.
Class that defines an element of a test.
Message shouldn't be set because it cannot be overridden due to LoggingEvent#setMessage
Types of possible exceptions for TestCaseInitializationException
Validator interface representing a validation command
Executes WhenPhaseDefinition
Invoker class for triggering routes with File consumer
Interface used to declare automatic model mapping in @UseRequestModelMapper and @UseResponseModelMapper
DSL class calling a consumer by its IntegrationScenarioDefinition class
DSL base class for specifying which consumers should be called for a scenario provider.
DSL class specifying all a scenario provider specified by its class
DSL class specifying all an inbound connector specified by its connector ID
DSL class specifying all remaining scenario providers
Contains names of all SIP Foundation Features
HealthConfiguration for FtpEndpoint
Enum with Camel FTP, FTPS, SFTP exchange headers which we can set programmatically
Class collect different Bi-consumer static methods, taking endpoint and RemoteFileOperations.
Class FtpHealthIndicators provides a set of utility functions that can perform operations on remote FTP servers to check if they are healthy.
Invoker class for triggering routes with Ftp, Ftps, Sftp consumers
Base class for defining generic inbound connectors.
Base class for defining generic outbound connectors.
Annotation to be used on model mappers implementing the ModelMapper interface.
Configuration to export overall status from HealthStatus with micrometer to provide metrics on this
Configuration for configurable health gauge name
HealthIndicatorMatcher contains health checking function and criteria for applying it.
HealthMonitorSetup is a class which executes pre setup for health check, collects and stores health checking functions registered by endpoint id.
HttpEndpointHealthConfiguration does the default autoconfiguration of the Camel's HTTP and HTTPS endpoints.
HttpHealthIndicators contains several functions that implement health checks for HTTP endpoints.
Helper class with common methods for rest and soap invokers
Collects banned import matches from a single source file.
Represents an import statement that has been discovered while parsing a source file.
Parses a source file into a ParsedJavaFile representation.
Annotation to be used with an inbound connector base class (such as GenericInboundConnectorBase).
Base class for Inbound connector definitions
InboundConnectorDefinition<T extends org.apache.camel.model.OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<T>>
Definition of an inbound connector, which is a specialization of a ConnectorDefinition that initiates an integration call for the integration scenario the connector belongs to.
Exception thrown when operation is incompatible to ones in RouteOperation
The custom runtime exception to be used as a default exception in this library.
Annotation to be used with a class extending IntegrationScenarioBase.
Base class for an integration scenario definition.
Marker interface for consumers to an integration scenario.
Interface used for specifying integration scenarios used within a SIP adapter.
Class which represents POJO model for exposing IntegrationScenario
Marker interface for providers of an integration scenario.
Registers a default health check for JMS Camel endpoints.
Invoker class for triggering routes with Jms consumer
A comparator for comparing JSON strings, based on Jackson object mapper.
Invoker class for triggering routes with Kafka consumer
OutputStream for logging test reports with logback
Used for implicit message translations with LogProcessor (.log()).
Invoker of exchange processing for MailConsumer
MarkdownFilesContributor extends InfoContributor to add markdown files to the info actuator
POJO object for storing the markdown file
Class providing various way to define a marshaller
Class that holds a single message used in test cases
Parent class for mocks.
Factory class used for creation of external call mocks.
Report for a single Mock
Interface for mappers between to data types
Exception which occurs when the model transformation was unsuccessful
Exception which occurs when the model is invalid
Exception for non-existent RouteInvoker in RouteInvokerFactory
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package
Common interface for elements that allow to be orchestrated by a matching Orchestrator.
Marker interface for classes that contain information necessary for an Orchestrator to fulfill its task.
Generic Interface for orchestrators that can orchestrate an element with help of information provided through OrchestrationInfo.
Annotation to be used with an outbound connector base class (such as GenericOutboundConnectorBase).
Definition of an outbound connector, which is a specialization of a ConnectorDefinition that forwards an integration call to an external system and, if necessary, receives its response.
Represents a source file that has been parsed for import statements.
PathMatcher offers the ability to match Camel Endpoints - actually their URIs, with URI patterns implemented by the AntPathMatcher.
DSL interface for calling a consumer by its IntegrationScenarioDefinition class
Base element for DSL classes used to orchestrate in process orchestration
Utilities for writing the conditionals in the DSL
DSL class for specifying orchestration of complex processes with or without conditions
DTO representing definition of composite process
Orchestrator meant to be attached to CompositeProcess
Proxy for Apache Camel Processors
Configuration for ProcessorProxy
Creates and defines behaviour for Camel based external service mocks
Contains registry of ProcessorProxy, which can be accessed via Processor id.
Adds a mock function to all outgoing Processor Proxies
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on sip.core.proxy.enabled value (true by default).
Proxy extension API
Util class for comparing a string to a pattern
Proxy extensions for tracking activity of mocked ProcessorProxy
Request Model transformer used in conjunction with a ModelMapper.
Response Model transformer used in conjunction with a ModelMapper.
Controller advice for handling IncompatibleOperationException
Base class for defining inbound REST connectors via Camel's RestDefinition DSL.
Invoker class for triggering Camel REST route
Provides method to process results
Formats the info about found cross dependencies for presentation purpose.
Class used by RouteOperation instead of calling RouteController, in order to add missing logs.
Base class for generating Camel routes from a DSL
Class for generating Camel routes for conditional process consumer calls from a DSL
Class for generating Camel routes for process consumer calls from a DSL
Class for generating Camel routes for scenario consumer calls from a DSL
Class for generating Camel routes for process orchestration via DSL This class generates route starts and delegate creating routes for consumer calls and conditionals to other route generators.
Class for generating Camel routes for scenario orchestration via DSL
Class for generating Camel routes for scenario providers via DSL
Class that exposes the insides of orchestration definition.
Base class for generating Camel routes from a DSL
Route invoker interface
Exception for impossible invoking first processor in tested route
Factory class which invokes proper RouteInvoker based on Endpoint type
Enum containing the different roles of a route.
Internal registry that holds mapping between declarative elements and Camel Routes.
Interface containing various methods to trigger a call to an integration-scenario consumer.
Base element for DSL classes used to orchestrate in integration scenario
Context used during the orchestration of an integration-scenario.
Record that holds the response for a single orchestration step
DSL class for specifying orchestration of scenario providers
Various handlers use in scenario orchestration *
Class that holds information to be used by orchestrators of an integration-scenario.
Orchestrator meant to be attached to integration-scenarios.
Interface to extract the request object for a scenario consumer call
Interface to aggregate the response of an individual scenario consumer call into an overall aggregated response
Interface to consume or handle the response of an individual scenario consumer call
Scheduled execution for connection checks.
Central place of all configs related for spring-security settings regarding the sip authentication features
Config properties for the complete sip-security authorization settings.
Auth provider settings, containing the exact auth-provider to be used, and the respective validation configs
Validation settings for an auth provider
A custom implementation of DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl that provides a silent document builder.
Base exception class for exception that are thrown by the adapter
Dummy validator which does no checks, and allows each token to be authenticated.
Base class for sip authentication providers.
Interface for all auth tokens used in implementations of SIPAuthenticationProvider.
Matcher class implementing the logic for the ConditionalOnSIPAuthProvider annotation.
Condition class matching whether authentication providers are defined
Basic Authentication provider, wiring together the SIPBasicAuthTokenExtractor and the configured SIPTokenValidator
Container for username/password tokens in the sip authentication framework.
The file-based basic auth validator reads a given json file in this format:
Token extractor for getting username and password from the Basic Authentication header.
SIP batch test run
Configuration class for including sip-core-default-config.yaml configuration into classpath
Default logging onException definition
Implementation of ExchangeFormatter for Tracing Exchanges
Utility class that changes the Exchange
Annotation which marks, names and provides version of all framework features
Base exception class for exception that are thrown by the framework
Exception class for exception that are thrown by the framework during initialization phase
Puts together SpringBootApplication and all other annotations typically needed when developing SIP Integration Adapter.
SIP implementation of TextMessage from JMS API.
SIPMC component that provides SIP Platform specific internal routing to integration adapters.
SipMiddleEndpoint is a decorator over the targetEndpoint that provides additional routing logic to existing Camel routes.
SipMiddleProducer is a decorator over the producer of the target endpoint from the SipMiddleEndpoint.
Extends PatternLayoutEncoderBase in order to enhance it with message translation feature by featuring TranslateMessageLayout .
Spring-boot autoconfiguration entrypoint (referenced by the src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports file.
The interface used for token extractors used by CompositeAuthenticationFilter, TokenExtractors and SIPAuthenticationProvider implementations to extract the necessary information from an http request so that the provider can check if that request is authenticated or not.
Functional interface for all token validators
Configuration class to read from property file
Service used to get translated messages
X509 authentication provider, wiring together the SIPX509TokenExtractor and the configured SIPTokenValidator
Container for the certificates dn data, containing all relevant information for validation later on
The file-based x509 validator reads an acl file in this format:
Token extractor for getting the distinguished name of the client certificate.
Base class for SOAP inbound connectors.
Base class for SOAP outbound connectors.
Performing file analysis on a folder level by navigating through the folder tree structure.
Enum of default orchestrator implementations that can be used with an integration scenario.
DTO representing a step in process orchestration definition
Interface for cloning a step-result (response) during an orchestration process.
Generator for steps of a ProcessOrchestrationDefinition
SIP abstraction used by Test Kit.
Class containing everything necessary for test execution.
Batch test definitions with syntax validation.
Class for collecting Test cases
Definition of a single test case.
Methods for validating syntax of test case definitions.
General exception for TestCase initialization
Configuration class used for creation of batch test cases based on test definitions.
Parent class for test result validators
Report for a test case
Utility class that changes the Exchange
Filter that can be used in a log configuration to filter loggers by name
Main class for running tests.
Spring component providing a map of all token extractors and the related authentication providers.
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on sip.core.tracing.enabled value (false by default).
Wraps a set of ordered exchange ids used for tracing
Config properties for defining all parameters important for translate service and message source
Extends PatternLayout in order to keep logging pattern feature while trying to translate message at the same time.
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on sip.core.translation.enabled value (true by default).
Logger for startup information for TranslateConfiguration
Class providing various way to define an unmarshaller
Exception for unsupported jms header in JmsRouteInvoker
Exception for unsuspended routes used in CamelContextLifecycleHandler
Annotation for connectors extending ConnectorBase to attach an automatic model mapper transformation for the request
Annotation for connectors extending ConnectorBase to attach an automatic model mapper transformation for the response
Class containing results of Validation
A comparator for comparing XML strings, based on xmlunit library.
Utility for allowing PropertySource annotations to also read yaml files instead of only properties files