All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
ActuatorHealthAutoConfig |
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package,
based on value (true by default).
ActuatorInfoAutoConfig |
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package,
based on value (true by default).
ActuatorRoutesAutoConfig |
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package,
based on management.endpoints.web.exposure.include containing value "adapter-routes".
AdapterInfoContributor |
AdapterRouteDetails |
AdapterRouteDetails.RouteAdditionalInfo |
Adapter route - Additional information
AdapterRouteDetails.RouteExchangeSummary |
A summary of the Route monitoring information.
AdapterRouteDetails.RouteProcessingTimes |
Information about different time processing statistics.
AdapterRouteEndpoint |
Entry point of the HTTP-only Actuator endpoint that exposes management functions from the
CamelContext and Camel's JMX MBeans.
AdapterRouteSummary |
Provides a brief summary for the Camel Route.
AddProxyInterceptStrategy |
Apache Camel Processor creation interception
AnalyzeResult |
Final result of analyzing the code base for banned imports.
AutoTestCaseLoading |
Loads a batch of test cases from a test case file
BannedImportGroup |
Holds the information of what imports should be banned and from which base package.
BannedImportGroups |
BannedImportRecords |
Holds the matches that were found within a single source file.
CamelBodyValidator |
Validator for body of a request in Camel
CamelEndpointHealthConfiguration |
CamelEndpointHealthMonitor |
CamelHeaderValidator |
Validator for headers of a request in Camel
CamelSslClientConfiguration |
Configure camel security related settings
CamelTestCaseValidator |
Batch test validator for Camel
CheckedBiConsumer<T,R> |
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
CloseableRemoteOperations |
CompositeAuthenticationFilter |
The authentication filter which handles composite authentication, which means that in contrast to
default spring-security (if one authentication succeeds, the user is "logged in") all configured
sip authentication providers responsible for a specific endpoint need to succeed with the
CompositeAuthenticationToken |
Default Token set in the security context when using the sip authentication filter.
ConditionalOnSIPAuthProvider |
Condition which allows us to control which auth providers and validators should be loaded.
ConditionalOnSIPSecurityAuthenticationEnabled |
Conditional annotation for enabled/disabling sip securitie's authentication feature
ConnectorsCrossDependenciesMojo |
Mojo implementing connectors-cross-dependencies-check goal, executing on LifecyclePhase.VALIDATE phase.
CustomTracer |
Implementation of Apache Camel's DefaultTracer Requires sip.core.tracing.enabled=true to
be registered as component
CxfRouteInvoker |
Class for triggering Camel CXF(SOAP) route
DefaultReportProcessor |
Default result processor used for logging test execution results.
DefaultRouteInvoker |
Default Invoker class for default behaviour when specific RouteInvoker is missing
DuplicateUriPatternError |
EndpointHealthConfigurer |
EndpointHealthIndicator |
EndpointHealthRegistry |
EndpointProperties |
Class that defines an element of a test.
EndpointValidationOutcome |
EventLogCloner |
Message shouldn't be set because it cannot be overridden due to LoggingEvent#setMessage
EventLogClonerImpl |
ExceptionLogger |
Provides static methods for logging exceptions
ExceptionType |
ExchangeValidator |
Validator interface representing a validation command
ExecutionWrapper |
Executes WhenPhaseDefinition
FoundationFeature |
Contains names of all SIP Foundation Features
FtpEndpointHealthConfiguration |
HealthConfiguration for FtpEndpoint
FtpHealthConsumers |
Class collect different Bi-consumer static methods, taking endpoint and RemoteFileOperations.
FtpHealthIndicators |
Class FtpHealthIndicators provides a set of utility functions that can perform operations
on remote FTP servers to check if they are healthy.
HealthCheckEnabledCondition |
HealthCheckMetricsConfiguration |
Configuration to export overall status from HealthStatus with micrometer to provide metrics on
HealthGaugeConfiguration |
Configuration for configurable health gauge name
HealthIndicatorMatcher |
HealthMonitorSetup |
HealthMonitorSetup is a class which executes pre setup for health check, collects and
stores health checking functions registered by endpoint id.
HttpEndpointHealthConfiguration |
HttpHealthIndicators |
ImportAnalyzer |
Collects banned import matches from a single source file.
ImportStatement |
Represents an import statement that has been discovered while parsing a source file.
ImportStatementParser |
IncompatibleOperationException |
Exception thrown when operation is incompatible to ones in RouteOperation
IntegrationManagementException |
The custom runtime exception to be used as a default exception in this library.
JmsEndpointHealthConfiguration |
Registers a default health check for JMS Camel endpoints.
JmsHealthIndicators |
LogbackOutputStream |
OutputStream for logging test reports with logback
LogProcessorInterceptStrategy |
Used for implicit message translations with LogProcessor (.log()).
MarkdownFilesContributor |
MarkdownObject |
POJO object for storing the markdown file
MessageProperties |
Class that holds a single message used in test cases
Mock |
Parent class for mocks.
MockFactory |
Factory class used for creation of external call mocks.
MockReport |
Report for a single Mock
ParsedJavaFile |
Represents a source file that has been parsed for import statements.
PathMatcher |
PathMatcher offers the ability to match Camel Endpoint s - actually their URIs,
with URI patterns implemented by the AntPathMatcher .
ProcessorProxy |
Proxy for Apache Camel Processors
ProcessorProxyConfiguration |
Configuration for ProcessorProxy
ProcessorProxyMock |
Creates and defines behaviour for Camel based external service mocks
ProcessorProxyRegistry |
Contains registry of ProcessorProxy , which can be accessed via Processor id.
ProcessorProxyTestPreConditioner |
Adds a mock function to all outgoing Processor Proxies
ProxyAutoConfig |
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on
sip.core.proxy.enabled value (true by default).
ProxyExtension |
Proxy extension API
RegexUtil |
Util class for comparing a string to a pattern
ReportActivityProxyExtension |
Proxy extensions for tracking activity of mocked ProcessorProxy
RESTExceptionHandler |
Controller advice for handling IncompatibleOperationException
RestRouteInvoker |
Class for triggering Camel REST route
ResultProcessor |
Provides method to process results
ResultsFormatter |
Formats the info about found cross dependencies for presentation purpose.
RouteControllerLoggingDecorator |
Class used by RouteOperation instead of calling RouteController , in order to add missing logs.
RouteIdParameter |
RouteInvoker |
Route invoker interface
RouteInvokerFactory |
Factory class which invokes proper RouteInvoker based on Endpoint type
RouteOperation |
RouteOperationParameter |
ScheduledHealthCheck |
Scheduled execution for connection checks.
SecurityConfig |
Central place of all config related stuff for spring-security settings regarding the sip
authentication features
SecurityConfigProperties |
Config properties for the complete sip-security authorization settings.
SecurityConfigProperties.AuthProviderSettings |
Auth provider settings, containing the exact auth-provider to be used, and the respective
validation configs
SecurityConfigProperties.ValidationSettings |
Validation settings for an auth provider
SIPAdapterExecutionReport |
SIPAlwaysAllowValidator<T extends SIPAuthenticationToken<T>> |
Dummy validator which does no checks, and allows each token to be authenticated.
SIPAuthenticationProvider<T extends SIPAuthenticationToken<T>> |
Base class for sip authentication providers.
SIPAuthenticationToken<T extends SIPAuthenticationToken<T>> |
SIPAuthProviderCondition |
SIPAuthProvidersExistCondition |
Condition class matching whether authentication providers are defined
SIPBasicAuthAuthenticationProvider |
SIPBasicAuthAuthenticationToken |
Container for username/password tokens in the sip authentication framework.
SIPBasicAuthFileValidator |
The file-based basic auth validator reads a given json file in this format:
SIPBasicAuthTokenExtractor |
Token extractor for getting username and password from the Basic Authentication header.
SIPBatchTest |
SIP batch test run
SIPBatchTestArgumentSource |
SIPCoreAutoConfiguration |
Configuration class for including sip-core-default-config.yaml configuration into classpath
SIPExchangeFormatter |
Implementation of ExchangeFormatter for Tracing Exchanges
SIPExchangeHelper |
Utility class that changes the Exchange
SIPFeature |
Annotation which marks, names and provides version of all framework features
SIPHealthCheckConsumer |
SIPHealthCheckConsumersRepository |
SIPHealthCheckRoute |
SIPHealthCheckRoutesRepository |
SIPIntegrationAdapter |
Puts together SpringBootApplication and all other annotations typically needed when
developing SIP Integration Adapter.
SipMiddleComponent |
SIPMC component that provides SIP Platform specific internal routing to integration adapters.
SipMiddleEndpoint |
SipMiddleEndpoint is a decorator over the targetEndpoint that provides additional routing
logic to existing Camel routes.
SipMiddleProducer |
SIPPatternLayoutEncoder |
Extends PatternLayoutEncoderBase in order to enhance it with message translation feature by
featuring TranslateMessageLayout .
SIPSecurityAutoConfiguration |
Spring-boot autoconfiguration entrypoint (referenced by the
src/main/resource/META-INF/spring.factories file.
SIPTestKitAutoConfiguration |
SIPTokenExtractor<T extends SIPAuthenticationToken<T>> |
SIPTokenValidator<T extends SIPAuthenticationToken<T>> |
Functional interface for all token validators
SIPTraceConfig |
Configuration class to read from property file
SIPTraceOperation |
SIPTranslateMessageService |
Service used to get translated messages
SIPX509AuthenticationProvider |
SIPX509AuthenticationToken |
Container for the certificates dn data, containing all relevant information for validation later
SIPX509FileValidator |
The file-based x509 validator reads an acl file in this format:
SIPX509TokenExtractor |
Token extractor for getting the distinguished name of the client certificate.
SourceTreeAnalyzer |
Performing file analysis on a folder level by navigating through the folder tree structure.
TestCase |
Class containing everything necessary for test execution.
TestCaseBatchDefinition |
Batch test definition.
TestCaseCollector |
Class for collecting Test cases
TestCaseDefinition |
Definition of a single test case.
TestCaseInitializationException |
General exception for TestCase initialization
TestCasesConfig |
Configuration class used for creation of batch test cases based on test definitions.
TestCaseValidator |
Parent class for test result validators
TestExecutionStatus |
Report for a test case
TestExecutionStatusFactory |
TestKitConfig |
TestKitLogbackFilter |
Filter that can be used in a log configuration to filter loggers by name
TestRunner |
Main class for running tests.
TokenExtractors |
Spring component providing a map of all token extractors and the related authentication
TraceAutoConfig |
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based on
sip.core.tracing.enabled value (false by default).
TraceHistory |
Contains history as list of traced exchanges
TraceOperationConfiguration |
Configures bean "sipTraceOperations" with trace types defined in "trace-type" property or all if
* is set
TrafficTracerController |
Endpoint to get TraceHistory
TranslateConfiguration |
Config properties for defining all parameters important for translate service and message source
TranslateMessageLayout<E> |
Extends PatternLayout in order to keep logging pattern feature while trying to translate message
at the same time.
TranslationsAutoConfig |
Class in charge of toggling all beans under package, based
on sip.core.translation.enabled value (true by default).
TranslationServiceDetailsOnStartup |
Logger for startup information for TranslateConfiguration
ValidationResult |
Class containing results of Validation
YamlPropertSourceFactory |
Utility for allowing PropertySource annotations to
also read yaml files instead of only properties files